Long time since last post
It has been quite a while since our last post but that's not because things haven't been happening, its more to do with not having time to fit everything in LOl
We have had a fabulous 2019 so far exhibition wise. We have been to some great shows, met with some fabulous people, answered hundreds of questions, given away hundreds of badges and played an awful lot of trains LOl
Of course every time we come back from a show/exhibition there is always work on the layout to do. Sometimes just wear & Tear and sometimes to alter things, trying to make the layout work more efficiently for us and the public
Before we ever laid a single piece of track or made our first building we visited, amongst others, The Warley show at the NEC and also TINGS (The International N Gauge Show ) in Leamington Spar. Now guess what we are lucky enough to be exhibiting our layout at both of theses premier events in 2020. Hopefully we will see a few of you on our future travels. Thank you Ray & Anna x