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                                                                      OUR COFFEE TABLE N GAUGE MODEL RAILWAY LAYOUT


“Feldspar” was built halfway through 2015 / beginning of 2016 and has been both our Model Railway and our Coffee table ever since :-)

This was the first layout that Anna and I attempted to build together. So to say that we were shocked when it made it onto the illustrious pages of “Model Rail magazine” in the summer of 2017 was something of an understatement. Since then we have gone on to create “Ambleton Vale” which started its Exhibition career Summer 2018.


                                            This isn't the end of the Feldspar story so please scroll down for all its up to date news

As seen in Model Rail Magazine                         Summer 2017

All Feldpar photos curtesy of Chris Nevard and Model Rail Magazine

                                                                                                News update 15/8/2018


                                        Making "FELDSPAR" our N GAUGE MODEL RAILWAY COFFEE TABLE ready to exhibit


The idea is that the layout will be exhibited in a mock-up of our own front room. So there will be two walls of our house (2x 2m sq banners), a carpet, a couple of easy chairs and of course our coffee table. We are hoping the public will be able to come and view the layout and maybe sit opposite the layout and have a good natter about the hobby.  We would need about 3m square of space and if possible a corner would work fabulously but is not essential. 

If you are at all interested in booking "Feldspar" for 2020 onwards then please just use the Ambleton Vale email address from this site and get in touch click here  but don't forget to mention it's Feldspar you are interested in please
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